This week features the Frank Mooney Invitational on Saturday, a meet that for this program will involve 9th and 10th grade athletes. Those that aren't racing on Saturday will be doing a time trial, either on Thursday (first choice date) or Friday (backup date if weather on Thursday isn't suitable). Like last week, there will also be a day off mid-week which will be Wednesday.
Mon 11/1 - Warmup including BURPEES followed by a progressive medium long run. The length of this
week's run is the same as last week's CMR.
Group A: 36 minutes (12 minutes easy, 9 minutes fresh, 9 minutes good, 6 minutes easy)
Group B: 48 minutes (16 minutes easy, 12 minutes fresh, 12 minutes good, 8 minutes easy)
Group C: 60 minutes (12 minutes easy, 9 minutes fresh, 9 minutes good, 6 minutes easy)
Tue 11/2 - Warmup followed by a short length run including run-throughs and bounding over cones
Group A: 24-28 minutes
Group B: 32-36 minutes
Group C: 40-44 minutes
Wed 11/3 - off
Thu 11/4 - Warmup followed by a medium length run including timed repeats as follows:
those racing 3k on Saturday: 10 minute warmup, 2 sets of 3x400 meters with the first set at race pace and the second set
1-2 seconds per rep faster than race pace. 200 meter recovery jog after
each repeat with 4-5 minutes recovery between sets. 10 minute cooldown.
those racing 5k on Saturday: 10 minute warmup, 2 sets of 4x400 meters with the first set at race pace and the second set
at 1-2 seconds per rep faster than race pace. 200 meter recovery jog
after each repeat with 4-5 minutes recovery between sets. 10 minute
those not racing on Saturday: 10 minute warmup, mile time trial on the track, 10-12 minute break, 3-4x200 at race pace with a 200 meter jog recovery, 10 minute easy jog cooldown.
Fri 11/5 - Warmup including BURPEES followed by a short length run at an easy to moderate intensity. Two sets of short repeats on top of the aqueduct in the last 8-10 minutes of the run.
Group A: 24-28 minutes
Group B: 32-36 minutes
Group C: 40-44 minutes
Sat 11/6 - Frank Mooney Invitational. More information will be
forthcoming in a subsequent post. Those not racing today should do a
medium length run at an easy to moderate intensity, with 5-6 pickups of
15-20 seconds in the second half of the run.
Sun 11/7 - off