Saturday, August 31, 2024

Week 3 Training Plan, 9/2-9/8

This week features the first meet of the season, on Saturday at the Vineyard Invitational. In addition, it's the end of the preseason and the start of school, with the normal daily practice routine of meeting at 3:30 PM beginning on Tuesday. Note that Monday is a holiday, if you're around and interested we're meeting for an optional practice in Lincoln where as the signs say, there are over 80 miles of trails.

Mon 9/2 -  Practice at 3:30 PM at Lincoln Station. We'll meet in the commuter parking area (where the spaces are numbered), which is an offshoot of the main parking area for the shopping center. Abbreviated warmup followed by a progressive long run:

Level 1: 36 minutes (12 minutes easy - 9 minutes fresh - 9 minutes good - 6 minutes easy)
Level 2: 48 minutes (16 minutes easy - 12 minutes fresh - 12 minutes good - 8 minutes easy)
Level 3: 60 minutes (20 minutes easy - 15 minutes fresh - 15 minutes good - 10 minutes easy)
Level 4: 72 minutes (24 minutes easy - 18 minutes fresh - 18 minutes good - 12 minutes easy)

Remember to have the Outerspatial app loaded on your phone which you'll carry with you to avoid getting lost in the woods! If you can't make this optional practice, try to do this run on your own in your neighborhood.

Tue 9/3 -  Practice at the high school, 3:30 PM. Warmup including BURPEES followed by a short length run at an easy to moderate effort level. Upon your return to the school we'll be doing high stepping run throughs (high knees) and bounding over cones on the softball field and a few "fly zone" accelerations on the track.

Level 1: 22-26 minutes
Level 2: 26-30 minutes
Level 3: 32-36 minutes
Level 4: 42-46 minutes

Wed 9/4 - Practice at the high school, 3:30. Warmup followed by a series of timed pickups as follows:

Level 1: 4 minute-3 minute-2 minute-1 minute pickups with 3 minute recoveries. Warmup and cooldown are each a 5 minute jog.
Level 2: two sets of 3 minute-2 minute-1 minute pickups with 3 minute recoveries throughout, including between the two sets. Warmup and cooldown are each a 5 minute jog.
Level 3: 4 minute-3 minute-2 minute-1 minute-3 minute-2 minute-1 minute pickups with 3 minute recoveries. Warmup and cooldown are each a 6-8 minute jog.
Level 4: 2 sets of 4 minute-3 minute-2 minute-1 minute pickups with 3 minute recoveries. Warmup and cooldown are each a 10 minute jog.

The 4 and 3 minute pickup(s) is/are at something slower than race pace, like an 80-85% effort. The 2 minute pickup(s) is/are at race pace (90%) or something close to it. The 1 minute pickup(s) is/are at faster than race pace. Fast and relaxed. Ideally the recoveries are a slow jog, although Level 1 athletes might find it better to walk a portion of the recovery interval. 

Level 1: 22-26 minutes
Level 2: 26-30 minutes
Level 3: 32-36 minutes
Level 4: 42-46 minutes

Thu 9/5 - Practice at the high school, 3:30 PM. Warmup followed by a short length run at mostly an easy effort. The focus today should be on staying relaxed and keeping the effort easy and under control. This is active recovery.

Level 1: 22-26 minutes
Level 2: 26-30 minutes
Level 3: 32-36 minutes
Level 4: 42-46 minutes

Fri 9/6 - Practice at the high school, 3:30 PM. Warmup including BURPEES followed by a short length run at an easy to moderate effort level. We'll be doing hill drills (high knee running and bounding) along the Hultman aqueduct between Cedar Crest and Pineridge Road.

Level 1: 22-26 minutes
Level 2: 26-30 minutes
Level 3: 32-36 minutes
Level 4: 42-46 minutes

Sat 9/7 - Vineyard Invitational. A subsequent post will have more information about this meet. As with all meets, this is considered a medium length day with warmup and cooldown included.

If you're not competing at the meet, try to get in a medium length run (or running-adjacent activity) at an easy to moderate intensity either today or tomorrow:

Level 1: 22-26 minutes
Level 2: 26-30 minutes
Level 3: 32-36 minutes
Level 4: 42-46 minutes

 Sun 9/8 - Off.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Week 2 Training Plan, 8/26-9/1

The pattern of this week's practices is similar to last week with a maximum of six runs--three shorter runs, two medium runs, and a long run. Monday's medium length run will also include a series of timed pickups. A reminder that we meet each day under the large trees next to the field house, this is on the southwest side of the field house. If you walk around the outside perimeter of the field house you'll find us.

If you haven't already done so please hand in your summer training log (optional for new athletes, required for returning athletes). We'd like to have all the training logs turned in by Friday. Rewards will be distributed once the coaching staff has tabulated the logs, hopefully at the beginning of next week. 

If you're an 11th or 12th grader with at least one year of prior experience on the team and would be interested in being a captain, please contact me via e-mail or in person to declare your interest. The prerequisites for being captain are described at the bottom of page 7 of the team policies and FAQ document.

On Tuesday from 4-7 PM there will be a "spike night" (spikes being the racing shoes used in this sport) held for the team at Marathon Sports (255 Washington Street in Wellesley). If you need running shoes, for daily practice use and/or specifically for races, this is an opportunity to get them at a 20% discount. This event is optional. 

Finally, there will be an optional day trip to Western Massachusetts on Saturday. We'll be taking one of the school's booster buses leaving at 7:30 AM and returning in the late afternoon with a day of running and other activities planned. If you're interested let the coaches know. There's room for 14 people on the booster bus. As of this writing there are 9 spots left. Please let me know if you're interested in coming along.

With all that out of the way, here's the plan:

• Mon 8/26 - Practice 6:45 AM at WHS. Warmup including BURPEES followed by a medium length run that will incorporate timed pickups of 3-4 minutes in length, at an "uncomfortably sustainable" (80%) effort. In between the race pace pickups is a recovery of 1.5 minutes, ideally run at a 50-60% effort (this is not a slow jog). This will be followed by a few pickups of 30 seconds in length at a 90% effort which should approximate race pace for the typical cross country race distance, which is between 3 and 5 kilometers. These shorter faster pickups have a 1 minute recovery interval between them. Level 1 athletes may find it more realistic to walk the first 30 seconds of each recovery interval. Everyone will begin and end their run today with a warmup and cooldown that are at an easy pace, with the timed pickups sandwiched in between. Time for today's run is as follows, with number of pickups indicated as well:

Level 1: 22-26 minutes: 1x 4 minutes @80%, 4x30 second pickups @90% (warmup and cooldown 5-6 minutes each)
Level 2: 34-38 minutes: 2x 3 minute pickups @80%, 4x30 second pickups @90% (warmup and cooldown 8-10 minutes each)
Level 3: 43-47 minutes: 2x 4 minute pickups @80%, 6x30 second pickups @90% (warmup and cooldown 10 minutes each)
Level 4: 52-56 minutes: 3x 4 minute pickups @80%, 6x30 second pickups @90% (warmup and cooldown 12-15 minutes each)

• Tue 8/27 - Practice 6:45 AM at WHS. Warmup followed by a short, easy active recovery run. We will be doing a series of bounding run throughs over cones and a few short intense sprints as well. Multiple elliptigo bikes will be available for use.

Level 1: 18-20 minutes
Level 2: 22-26 minutes
Level 3: 28-32 minutes
Level 4: 38-42 minutes

• Wed 8/28 - Practice 6:45 AM at WHS. Warmup including BURPEES, then a cyclic long run (CLR). The total time of this run will be broken down into 12 equal segments. The first segment is run at an easy (40% or so) effort. The next is run at a "fresh" (60-65% or so) effort, and the one after that at a "good" (80-85%) effort. Then this easy-fresh-good cycle is repeated three more times. If your watch has it, the countdown timer function is a good way to keep track of these time segments. Total length of the run as follows:

Level 1: 36 minutes (12x3 minute segments)
Level 2: 48 minutes (12x4 minute segments)
Level 3: 60 minutes (12x5 minute segments)
Level 4: 72 minutes (12x6 minute segments)

We'll discuss a route for today's run at the start of practice. 

• Thu 8/29 - Practice 6:45 AM at WHS. Warmup followed by a short, easy active recovery run, with a series of hill drills (8x each, hill springing and high knee running). We also hope to have multiple elliptigo bikes available for use.

Level 1: 18-20 minutes
Level 2: 22-26 minutes
Level 3: 28-32 minutes
Level 4: 38-42 minutes

Today is the 9th grade orientation, 9th graders who haven't been training very much over the summer should take this as a day off while those that have been training consistently can do this workout (the running part at least) on their on later in the day.

• Fri 8/30 - Practice 6:45 AM at WHS. Warmup including BURPEES and then a short, easy active recovery run. If you're not able to make it today try to do this on your own if possible. 

Level 1: 18-20 minutes
Level 2: 22-26 minutes
Level 3: 28-32 minutes
Level 4: 38-42 minutes

• Sat 8/31 -  Western Mass. day trip. For those not coming along for the Western Mass. day trip, either:

- a cross training workout of 30 minutes to an hour plus (depending on what the activity is)

- a run of 25-45 minutes with the last 5-10 minutes being run at about a 75-80% effort. Up to that point, take it easy.

Regardless of which workout you choose to do, please remember to do a warmup routine beforehand and "silly walks" afterward. The specifics on these can be found in the "Training Links" sidebar of the team website.

Sun 9/1 - off

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Week 1 Training Plan, 8/19-8/25

Welcome to the 2024 cross country season! This is the first post of the season outlining the scheduled training for the upcoming week. Each weekly training plan covers Monday to Sunday. Typically the plan will be published by the Sunday evening before the start of the week, but certainly no later than lunchtime Monday. 

Remember that while the plan is a good outline of what we will most likely be doing, there are sometimes unforeseen factors (mainly weather) that can change things. When this happens we'll do our best to get the word out quickly. In addition, note that there's a wide variation in the length of each day's run among the different training levels. This is because we have a diverse group of athletes on the team with a wide range of experience and incoming fitness levels. If you have any questions about how far or how hard to go on a particular day don't hesitate to ask one of the coaches. 

Because this is the first week of the season, there are some details to go over here besides the daily workouts. For the rest of the season, this "preamble" section of the weekly training plan will be much shorter.

You should bring the following items with you to practice:

• running shoes

• comfortable clothes in which to work out. You might also want to wear a hat with a brim to keep out the sun. 

• running watch, either your own the one you borrowed from the team supply. If you don't have a watch one will be assigned to you from the team supply.

• sunscreen

• water bottle - Very important item, should hold 32-48 ounces (1-1.5L). Please bring a water bottle which you can use during breaks in practice and after practice has ended. Bring your water bottle already filled.

Week 1 of practice is also week 11 of the summer training period I outlined in the summer training guidelines. The training pattern for the week reflects this fact. There are a maximum of six runs total, three shorter length efforts, two medium length days (one of them with timed pickups), and one long run. If you haven't been training much or at all over the summer, start at Level 1. 

We'll also employ cross training options, open to anyone, that can be done as a supplement or in place of running as need be. These include the elliptical bikes, or riding your own bike if you have one and can bring it to practice. If you haven't been running consistently over the summer, it's best to avoid jumping right into 5 or 6 days of running per week. Cross training is the best way to accomplish this.

Monday through Friday, practice will be held at WHS. The meeting point at the high school is under the large trees next to the field house, this is on the southwest side of the field house. If you walk around the outside perimeter of the field house you'll find us. At the Town Beach we'll meet at the benches just outside the entrance gate.

Please hold off on handing in your summer training log (optional for new athletes, required for returning athletes) until the end of this week. Rewards will be distributed once the coaching staff has tabulated all the logs, hopefully no later than Tuesday September 3rd.

With all that out of the way, here's the plan:

• Mon 8/19 - Practice at WHS 6:45 AM. Warmup including BURPEES followed by a medium length run broken down as follows:

Level 1: 22-26 minutes
Level 2: 34-38 minutes
Level 3: 43-47 minutes
Level 4: 52-56 minutes 

The pace of the run today should be easy on the whole, if you feel up to it it's ok to pick up gradually towards the end of the run. 

• Tue 8/20 - Practice at WHS 6:45 AM. Warmup followed by a short length run that will incorporate hill drills (springing AKA bounding for height and high knee running). For those that have been on the team in the past, we'll be using the same hill along the Hultman aqueduct between Cedar Creek Road and Pine Ridge Road that we've used for hill drills in the past. 

Level 1: 18-20 minutes
Level 2: 22-26 minutes
Level 3: 28-35 minutes
Level 4: 38-45 minutes

• Wed 8/21 - Practice at WHS 6:45 AM. Warmup including BURPEES followed by a medium length run that will incorporate timed pickups of 2 minutes in length, at an "uncomfortably sustainable" (80%) effort. In between the race pace pickups is a recovery of 1 minute, ideally run at a 50-60% effort (this is easy but not a slow jog). Level 1 athletes may find it more realistic to walk the first 30 seconds of each recovery interval. Everyone will begin and end their run today with a warmup and cooldown that are at an easy pace, with the timed pickups sandwiched in between. Time for today's run is as follows, with number of pickups indicated as well:

Level 1: 22-26 minutes, 3-4x 2 minute pickups (warmup and cooldown 5-6 minutes each)
Level 2: 34-38 minutes, 4-5x 2 minute pickups (warmup and cooldown 10 minutes each)
Level 3: 43-47 minutes, 6x 2 minute pickups (warmup and cooldown 12-14 minutes each)
Level 4: 52-56 minutes, 8x 2 minute pickups (warmup and cooldown 14-16 minutes each)

• Thu 8/22 - Practice,  @WHS 6:45 AM. Warmup and then a short easy run followed by run throughs (accelerations) and bounding over cones. The run throughs are short accelerations building up to 95% or so of maximum speed. 

Level 1: 18-20 minutes
Level 2: 22-26 minutes
Level 3: 28-35 minutes
Level 4: 38-45 minutes

• Fri 8/23 - Practice, @WHS 6:45 AM. Warmup including BURPEES followed by a short run. Most if not all of the run should be done at an effort level of "easy," perhaps progressing to moderate ("fresh") in the last quarter of the run if you feel up to it.

Level 1: 18-20 minutes
Level 2: 22-26 minutes
Level 3: 28-35 minutes
Level 4: 38-45 minutes

• Sat 8/24 Practice at Wayland Free Public Library 9:00 AM. Warmup followed by a progressive long run structured as follows:

Level 1: 36 minutes (12 minutes easy - 9 minutes fresh - 9 minutes good - 6 minutes easy)
Level 2: 48 minutes (16 minutes easy - 12 minutes fresh - 12 minutes good - 8 minutes easy)
Level 3: 60 minutes (20 minutes easy - 15 minutes fresh - 15 minutes good - 10 minutes easy)
Level 4: 72 minutes (24 minutes easy - 18 minutes fresh - 18 minutes good - 12 minutes easy)

Today's run will be an out and back along the Wayland/Weston section of the Mass Central Rail Trail (MCRT). Click on the graphic below to enlarge:

There will be a water stop set up along the trail. Level 1 athletes should stick to the rail trail itself, while Level 2-4 athletes can visit the trails of the Jericho Town Forest in Weston if they choose. These trails are mostly north of the rail trail and to the east of Plain Road. As you're heading out along the rail trail away from the library (heading east) past Plain Road you can see trails on your left heading off into the woods. Anyone who would rather use the elliptigo today should let me know in advance and meet me at WHS at 8:30.

Sun 8/27 - off (no running), if you like you're welcome to go for a bike ride or hike on your own.