Sunday, September 8, 2024

Week 4 Training Plan, 9/9-9/15

This week the DCL meet schedule begins for the girls team while the boys team will be training through. The long run will be done on Monday and the other major workout of the week will be Saturday for those that are able to make it. The Saturday practice will meet at the Lincoln Station parking lot. Those that can't make it to the Saturday practice will be doing the same workout on Friday.

On Tuesday we'll be discussing racing strategy with new athletes; returning athletes can attend if they would like to.

Mon 9/9 - Practice 3:30. Warmup including BURPEES followed by cyclic long length run. This is the same idea as a cyclic long run only shorter in duration. The total time of your run will be broken down into 12 equal segments. The first segment is run at an easy (40% or so) effort. The next is run at a "fresh" (60-65% or so) effort, and the one after that at a "good" (80-85%) effort. Then the easy-fresh-good cycle is repeated three more times.

Level 1: 36 minutes (3 minute segments)
Level 2: 48 minutes (4 minute segments)
Level 3: 60 minutes (5 minute segments)
Level 4: 72 minutes (6 minute segments)

Tue 9/10 - Practice at 3:30. Warmup followed by a short length run at an easy to moderate effort level. Upon your return to the school we'll be doing high stepping run throughs (high knees) and bounding over cones on the softball field and a few "fly zone" accelerations incorporating turns.

Level 1: 22-26 minutes
Level 2: 26-30 minutes
Level 3: 32-36 minutes
Level 4: 42-46 minutes

Wed 9/11 - Girls DCL Foley Season Opener at Waltham HS. More information on this meet will be forthcoming in a subsequent post. Today is a medium length day in terms of how much running you should be doing overall:

Level 1: 28-32 minutes
Level 2: 36-40 minutes
Level 3: 43-47 minutes
Level 4: 52-56 minutes

Depending on what level you're training at, this may mean either a very short or rather long cooldown jog after your race.

The boys team will be staying at the school and doing the following "tempo run" style workout. In this case, "tempo" pace is considered to be somewhere in the 75-85% effort level if you're running on feel (which you will be). After the team warmup the workout is as follows:

Level 1: 8 minutes @ 70-75% effort, 4 minute break, 8 minutes @ 80-85% effort (warmup and cooldown of 5-6 minutes apiece)
Level 2: 10 minutes @ 70-75% effort, 5 minute break, 10 minutes @ 80-85% effort (warmup and cooldown of 5-6 minutes apiece)
Level 3: 12 minutes @ 70-75% effort, 6 minute break, 12 minutes @ 80-85% effort (warmup and cooldown of 6-8 minutes apiece)
Level 4:  14 minutes @ 70-75% effort, 7 minute break, 14 minutes @ 80-85% effort (warmup and cooldown of 8-10 minutes apiece)

Thu 9/12 - Practice at 3:30. Warmup including BURPEES, followed by a short length run at an easy to moderate intensity. In addition we'll be doing hill drills on the Hultman Aqueduct between Cedar Crest and Pine Ridge road.

Level 1: 22-26 minutes
Level 2: 26-30 minutes
Level 3: 32-36 minutes
Level 4: 42-46 minutes

Fri 9/13 - Practice at 3:30. Team warmup followed by timed progression repeats of 3 minutes in length, followed by a separate set of 200 meter repeats with a 200 meter jog recovery. Each 3 minute repeat should follow this pattern: first minute fresh, next minute good, last minute hard. The recovery after each repeat is 2.5 minutes of very easy jogging/fast walking. After finishing the last 3 minute repeat, take about 5 minutes break for water and then a series of 200 meter repeats at an intense (faster than race pace) effort. Number of reps as follows: 

Level 1: 3x3 minutes, 3x200 (warmup and cooldown of 5-6 minutes apiece)
Level 2: 4x3 minutes, 4x200 (warmup and cooldown of 5-6 minutes apiece)
Level 3: 5x3 minutes, 5x200 (warmup and cooldown of 6-8 minutes apiece)
Level 4: 6x3 minutes, 5x200 (warmup and cooldown of 8-10 minutes apiece)


Warmup followed by a short run at an easy to moderate pace for those doing the workout at Lincoln Station tomorrow.

Level 1: 22-26 minutes
Level 2: 26-30 minutes
Level 3: 32-36 minutes
Level 4: 42-46 minutes

Sat 9/14 - Optional practice 9:00 AM at Lincoln Station- Timed progression repeats of 3 minutes in length, followed by a separate set of 200 meter repeats with a 200 meter jog recovery. Each 3 minute repeat should follow this pattern: first minute fresh, next minute good, last minute hard. The recovery after each repeat is 2.5 minutes of very easy jogging/fast walking. After finishing the last 3 minute repeat, take about 5 minutes break for water and then a series of 200 meter repeats at an intense (faster than race pace) effort. Number of reps as follows:

Level 1: 3x3 minutes, 3x200 (warmup and cooldown of 5-6 minutes apiece)
Level 2: 4x3 minutes, 4x200 (warmup and cooldown of 5-6 minutes apiece)
Level 3: 5x3 minutes, 5x200 (warmup and cooldown of 6-8 minutes apiece)
Level 4: 6x3 minutes, 5x200 (warmup and cooldown of 8-10 minutes apiece)


Warmup followed by a short run at an easy to moderate pace for those who did the timed repeat workout yesterday.

Level 1: 22-26 minutes
Level 2: 26-30 minutes
Level 3: 32-36 minutes
Level 4: 42-46 minutes

Sun 9/15 - Off.

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