Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Summer use of Elliptigo bikes

One final post on this site before the summer gets going in earnest. This regards the use of the two elliptigo bikes that were purchased in 2016 for use by members of the team. "Elliptigo" is a brand name for a type of bike that doesn't have a seat and whose pedals are set up in such a way that the rider has a more upright posture than on a standard bike. This makes it a useful tool for runners who want to train more without too much pounding, or who are unable to run due to certain types of injury.

This year I thought it would be good for athletes on the team to use these bikes during the summer months when the bikes would otherwise be sitting idle in a storage shed. To facilitate this, we have two team parents who have graciously agreed to host the bikes at their home during the summer. Lori Aidala (Ava's mother) and Renu Gehring (Jason's mother) are the bike hosts. I've provided their contact information in an e-mail sent out to the team mailing list. At their convenience, you're welcome to contact them to schedule a time to stop by and use the elliptigo for training. My hope is that we could have two or three people sharing the bike by having one person on the elliptigo while the other(s) ride a standard bike, and take turns on each. There's safety in numbers making it preferable to ride with a buddy or small group.

Speaking of safety it's important you follow these guidelines. Much of the information here comes from links in the "Elliptigo related items" sidebar on the right side of this website. Please take note:

• Read the entire "Rules for Riding the Elliptigo" document before riding and follow these rules when riding.
• All athletes must take and pass the quiz even if they've taken it in the past. Note there's an answer key for the quiz; please consult the key after taking the quiz and not before.
• Whether you've ever ridden the elliptigo before or not, the first time you ride it this summer you must spend the first 10 minutes riding it only around the block on the street where the bike is being hosted. In other words, don't leave the local neighborhood until you've become reacquainted (or acquainted) with how to successfully get on and get off the elliptigo, use the brakes, and change gears.

The next post in this space will most likely be in August regarding online registration for the team and the start of practice. Between now and then feel free to contact me via e-mail with any questions. Have a great summer!

-Coach Mayall

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