Friday, October 7, 2022

Week 8 Training Plan, 10/10-10/16

For the second time this season, this is a week with two meets. Please note there is an optional practice on Monday, 10 AM at Lincoln Station for those who are in town. Also note that Friday's run will be very short (not just short) in advance of the second meet of the week on Saturday. Remember to fill out the very brief poll indicating your availability for Saturday's Twilight Invitational. You must fill out the poll even if you don't plan on going to this meet in Falmouth and I need to hear from everyone by lunchtime Tuesday.

Mon 10/10 - Progressive Long Run in the woods of Lincoln and Concord. Unlike previous visits to Lincoln we'll be heading off into the broader trail network today. In order to keep track of where you are in this vast area, you must bring your phone along with you with the Outer Spatial mobile app (available in google play or the apple app store) loaded on it. You'll also want some way to carry your phone other than in your hand. The length of the run is the same as last week.

Group A: 48 minutes (16 minutes easy-12 minutes fresh-12 minutes good- 8 minutes easy)
Group B: 60 minutes (20 minutes easy-15 minutes fresh-15 minutes good- 10 minutes easy)
Group C: 72 minutes (24 minutes easy-18 minutes fresh-18 minutes good- 12 minutes easy)

Tue 10/11 - Practice at 3:30. Warmup including BURPEES followed by a short run followed by run throughs and bounding over cones. The cones will be set up on the softball field. We will again be practicing running around tight corners. Total length of the run today is as follows:

Group A: 26-30 minutes
Group B: 32-36 minutes
Group C: 42-46 minutes

Wed 10/12 - Dual Meet #5 @ Bedford. More information will be forthcoming in a subsequent post. Remember today is a medium length day, meaning that including your warmup and cooldown your day should come in at around the following:

Group A: 36-40 minutes
Group B: 44-48 minutes
Group C: 52-56 minutes

Thu 10/13 - Practice at 3:30. Warmup followed by a short length recovery run at an easy to moderate intensity with hill drills. We will most likely be doing the hill drills on the Hultman aqueduct where it crosses Cedar Crest Road. The length of the run today is as follows:

Group A: 26-30 minutes
Group B: 32-36 minutes
Group C: 42-46 minutes

Fri 10/18 - Practice at 3:30. Warmup
including BURPEES followed by a very short length run. The last 10 minutes or so of the run will be done on top of the aqueduct with two sets of short repeats.

Group A: 24-28 minutes
Group B: 30-34 minutes
Group C: 36-40 minutes

Sat 10/19 - MSTCA Bob Glennon Twilight Invitational at Cape Cod Fairgrounds in Falmouth.
More information will be forthcoming in a subsequent post. Remember this is a medium length day overall, including warmup and cooldown your overall volume should come in at the following:

Group A: 36-40 minutes
Group B: 46-50 minutes
Group C: 56-60 minutes

Sun 10/20 - off

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