Sunday, October 29, 2023

Week 11 Training Plan, 10/30-11/5

Purdy calculator for use in interpolation of a goal time for the mile time trial

This week features the Frank Mooney Invitational on Saturday.  This meet is for 9th graders, JV runners, and those who are in contention to round out the top seven that will be racing next weekend at the MIAA Division 2B Championship race. Those that aren't racing on Saturday will be doing a time trial, either on Thursday (first choice date) or Friday (backup date if weather on Thursday isn't suitable). Like last week, there will also be a day off mid-week on Wednesday. 

For the remainder of the season, all athletes must wear a reflective vest when running off campus. A set of vests has been acquired for this purpose using funds raised from the Wayland XC Festival. Remember to return the vest at the end of practice. It must be folded neatly before being put away in one of the two "Pam's Run" drawstring bags that are used to store them. The vests don't need to be worn while running on campus, for example when running on the track as we'll be doing on Thursday.

Mon 10/30 - Warmup including BURPEES followed by a cyclic medium run. The length of this week's run is the same as last week's PMR.

Group A: 36 minutes (3 minute segments)
Group B: 48 minutes (4 minute segments)
Group C: 60 minutes (5 minute segments)

Tue 10/31 - Warmup followed by a short length run including run-throughs and bounding over cones

Group A: 24-28 minutes
Group B: 32-36 minutes
Group C: 40-44 minutes

Wed 11/1 - off

Thu 11/2 - Warmup including BURPEES followed by a medium length run including timed repeats as follows:

those racing 3k on Saturday: 10 minute warmup, 2 sets of 3x400 meters with the first set at race pace and the second set 1-2 seconds per rep faster than race pace. 200 meter recovery jog after each repeat with 4-5 minutes recovery between sets. 10 minute cooldown.

those racing 5k on Saturday: 10 minute warmup, 2 sets of 4x400 meters with the first set at race pace and the second set at 1-2 seconds per rep faster than race pace. 200 meter recovery jog after each repeat with 4-5 minutes recovery between sets. 10 minute cooldown.

those not racing on Saturday: a short length run at an easy to moderate intensity for those racing tomorrow. Two sets of short repeats on top of the aqueduct in the last 8-10 minutes of the run.

Group A: 24-28 minutes
Group B: 32-36 minutes
Group C: 40-44 minutes

Fri 11/3 - Warmup followed by a short length run at an easy to moderate intensity for those racing tomorrow. Two sets of short repeats on top of the aqueduct in the last 8-10 minutes of the run.

Group A: 24-28 minutes
Group B: 32-36 minutes
Group C: 40-44 minutes

for those not racing on Saturday: 10 minute warmup, mile time trial on the track, 10-12 minute break, 3-4x200 at race pace with a 200 meter jog recovery, 10 minute easy jog cooldown. The time trial is in essence a race, so if you have a pair of racing shoes you should wear them. 

Sat 11/4 - Frank Mooney Invitational. More information will be forthcoming in a subsequent post. Those not racing today should do a medium length run at an easy to moderate intensity, with 5-6 pickups of 15-20 seconds in the second half of the run.

Sun 11/5 - off

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