This week features the first home meet of the season, on Wednesday when Bedford and Waltham will visit. Please arrive by 3:30 and be prepared to help with breaking down the course (removing cones and flags) when the meet is over. There's also a second meet on Saturday, for 9th graders only. 9th graders will be getting an email on Monday about this meet.
On Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. we're going to curtail the team warmup just a bit by omitting the runouts and instead do a series of "strides" at faster than race pace. This will occur between the warmup and the day's run. The details will be explained on Tuesday.
Mon 9/23 - Practice 3:30. Warmup including BURPEES followed by cyclic long length
run. The total time of your run will be broken down into 12 equal
segments. The first segment is run at an easy (40% or so) effort. The
next is run at a "fresh" (60-65% or so) effort, and the one after that
at a "good" (80-85%) effort. Then the easy-fresh-good cycle is repeated
three more times. Today we'll be heading east along the Hultman Aqueduct towards Weston, some people will be heading back the way they came while others will make a loop of it.
Level 1: 36 minutes (3 minute segments)
Level 2: 48 minutes (4 minute segments)
Level 3: 60 minutes (5 minute segments)
Level 4: 72 minutes (6 minute segments)
Tuesday 9/24 - Practice at 3:30. Warmup followed by a short length run at an easy to moderate effort level. Upon your return to the school we'll be doing high stepping run throughs (high knees) and bounding over cones on the softball field and a few short race speed runs incorporating turns.
Level 1: 22-26 minutes
Level 2: 26-30 minutes
Level 3: 32-36 minutes
Level 4: 42-46 minutes
Wednesday 9/25 - Dual Meet #1 vs Bedford and Waltham. More
information including a time
schedule, lineups and a course map will be forthcoming soon. Remember
today should be a medium length day in terms of total running time,
including warmup and cooldown. For Level 1 and 2 athletes this will
impact how we approach the course tour which doubles as a warmup jog for
most people. The team picture will be taken today at 3:30.
Level 1: 28-32 minutes
Level 2: 36-40 minutes
Level 3: 43-47 minutes
Level 4: 52-56 minutes
Thursday 9/28 - Practice at 3:30. Warmup including BURPEES, followed by a short
length run with hill drills. The drills will be done on the Hultman
Aqueduct where it intersects Cedar Crest Road.
Level 1: 22-26 minutes
Level 2: 26-30 minutes
Level 3: 32-36 minutes
Level 4: 42-46 minutes
Friday 9/29 - Practice at 3:30. Warmup followed by either
1 and 2: 6-8 minute warmup jog, 2x7 minutes at a "good" effort (80-85%)
with a 4-5 minute break, 2 sets of (200,100) at race pace on top of the
aqueduct, 6-8 minute cooldown
Level 3 - 6-8 minute warmup jog, 2x9
minutes at a "good" effort (80-85%) with a 4-5 minute break, 3 sets of
(200,100) at race pace on top of the aqueduct, 6-8 minute cooldown
4 - 10 minute warmup jog, 2x11 minutes at a "good" effort (80-85%) with
a 4-5 minute break, 4 sets of (200,100) at race pace on top of the
aqueduct, 10 minute cooldown
The good effort portion of the
workout (the pair of long repeats at 80-85% effort) can be done on the
practice field loop of the home course or in the neighborhood just
beyond the edge of the school fields that includes Charena, Cameron,
Kelsey and Clarence Roads. The break between this and the short fast
repeats is a jog/hike to the top of the aqueduct. There is a possibility
we might do the short fast repeats on the track instead if it's
a short length run at mostly an easy effort level, picking up the pace a bit in the last 10 minutes of the run:
Level 1: 22-26 minutes
Level 2: 26-30 minutes
Level 3: 32-36 minutes
Level 4: 42-46 minutes
Sat 9/28 - For those attending the 9 AM Lincoln practice, warmup to Mt. Misery field loop followed by
Level 1 and 2: 6-8 minute warmup jog, 2x7 minutes at a "good" effort (80-85%) with a 4-5 minute break, 2 sets of (200,100) at race pace on top of the aqueduct, 6-8 minute cooldown
Level 3 - 6-8 minute warmup jog, 2x9 minutes at a "good" effort (80-85%) with a 4-5 minute break, 3 sets of (200,100) at race pace on top of the aqueduct, 6-8 minute cooldown
Level 4 - 10 minute warmup jog, 2x11 minutes at a "good" effort (80-85%) with a 4-5 minute break, 4 sets of (200,100) at race pace on top of the aqueduct, 10 minute cooldown
for those who did the timed repeat workouts yesterday, a medium length run at mostly an easy effort level, picking up the pace a bit in the last 10 minutes of the run:
Level 1: 22-26 minutes
Level 2: 26-30 minutes
Level 3: 32-36 minutes
Level 4: 42-46 minutes
For 9th graders only, The Ocean State Invitational at Goddard Park in Rhode Island. More details forthcoming in a separate post.
Sunday 9/29 - off
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