Sunday, October 20, 2019

Week 9 Training Plan, 10/21-10/27

This week features the beginning of championship season with Friday's DCL Championship meet at Franklin Park. More information will be forthcoming on this meet which will require an early dismissal from school. In addition, with the end of the season drawing near, we've entered the final phase of our training. The proverbial hay is in the barn and from here on out it's a draw down of training volume achieved in two ways:

• a reduction in the length of most daily runs
• a reduction in the number of days per week with running workouts planned. This is achieved by taking one more day a week off from practice. This week that day is Wednesday.

I'll explain in more detail at practice Monday how this tapering process will proceed. In the meantime here is the plan for this week:

• Mon 10/21 - Warmup followed by Progressive Long run as follows:

Group A: 36 minutes (12 minutes easy, 9 minutes fresh, 9 minutes good, 6 minutes easy)
Group B: 48 minutes (16 minutes easy, 12 minutes fresh, 12 minutes good, 8 minutes easy)
Group C: 60 minutes (20 minutes easy, 15 minutes fresh, 15 minutes good, 10 minutes easy)

• Tue 10/22 - Warmup including burpees followed by a short length run with hill drills.

Group A: 24-28 minutes
Group B: 32-36 minutes
Group C: 40-44 minutes

• Wed 10/23 - off

• Thu 10/24 - Warmup including burpees followed by a short length run with two sets of short reps at the end on top of the aqueduct.

Group A: 24-28 minutes
Group B: 32-36 minutes
Group C: 40-44 minutes
• Fri 10/25 - DCL Championship Meet @Franklin Park. The first race (JV Girls) will be at 3 PM which means we have to arrive in time for those athletes to adequately warm up. More information forthcoming. This is a medium length day, including warmup and cooldown running it should add up to the following:

Group A: 32-36 minutes
Group B: 40-44 minutes
Group C: 48-52 minutes

• Sat 10/26 -Short length run on your own at an easy to moderate intensity.

Group A: 24-28 minutes
Group B: 32-36 minutes
Group C: 40-44 minutes
• Sun 10/27 - off

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